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Embrace Theatre is proud to have been nominated for Saskatoon and Area Theatre Awards each year it has been eligible:

2019 – Charlie Peters was nominated for Outstanding Original Script for Many Fires (part of Elemental)*

S.E. Grummett was nominated for Outstanding Projection Design for their work on Elemental*

*Award recipients will be announced September 9th, 2019

2017-2018 – No eligible productions

2016 Amberlin Hsu was nominated for Outstanding Costume Design for Macbeth.

Emma Thorpe received the Outstanding Emerging Artist Award for her work as a fight choreographer, including on Macbeth. She has worked with Embrace Theatre on The Clockmaker, Saskatchewan Outdoors, and Bottomes Dreame.

2015 Will Brooks was nominated in the Outstanding Lighting Design category for his work on The Clockmaker.

Chris Donlevy (Bottomes DreameStop Kiss, Saskatchewan Outdoors, The Clockmaker) and Alex Hartshorn (The Clockmaker) were both nominated for Outstanding Emerging Artist.

2014 – Stop Kiss was recognized several times: Jenna-Lee Hyde recieved the SATAward for Achievement in Female Performance; Charlie Peters was noimated in the Outstanding Direction category;  Gilles Zolty was nominated for Achievement in Sound Design; and Jenna Maren was nominated for Set Design (she recieved the award in this category for her work with Persephone Theatre)

Angela Kemp (Stop Kiss) and Dakota Hebert (Saskatchewan Outdoors) shared the SATAward for Outstanding Emerging Artist.

2013 – The Bottome’s Dreame Ensemble was nominated for Achievement in Sound Design.

Charlie Peters (Founding Director) received the SATAward for Outstanding Emerging Artist.